Introducing Hedland Maritime Initiative

30 October 2020

The administrator of the PHVBS, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Pilbara Ports Authority, now has its own identity: Hedland Maritime Initiative (or HMI).

This week, the Pilbara Ports Authority Board approved the Special Purpose Vehicle which will administer the Port Hedland Voluntary Buy-Back Scheme (PHVBS) and plan for the development of a maritime precinct in the West End of Port Hedland.

The name Hedland Maritime Initiative was selected to highlight the long-term goal of developing a unique and attractive maritime hub in the West End of Port Hedland. It also speaks to the rich maritime history in Port Hedland, and the opportunity to bring some of that back to life.

The Hedland Maritime Initiative logo incorporates the International Maritime Signal Flag ‘kilo’, which means ‘We wish to communicate with you’.

HMI Managing Director Karlene Bylund said the community can expect to hear a lot more about the both the PHVBS and the vision for a maritime precinct.

“The PHVBS presents an opportunity for residential property owners, but it is completely voluntary.

“Over the coming weeks and months, we will be engaging with those property owners to ensure they have all of the information they require to make an informed decision.

“We will also be working with the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage and the Town of Port Hedland on the potential development of a maritime precinct. Stay tuned.”