Karlene answers your questions: PHVBS and Maritime Precinct
13 July 2021
Hedland Maritime Initiative (HMI) is the special purpose vehicle established to administer the Western Australian Government’s Port Hedland Voluntary Buy-Back Scheme (PHVBS) and facilitate the planning and development of a Maritime Precinct.
Managing Director, Karlene Bylund recently sat down to answer a few questions about HMI and the Maritime Precinct Development.
How does the Port Hedland Voluntary Buy-Back Scheme work?
The scheme will be administered by the Hedland Maritime Initiative, a wholly owned subsidiary of Pilbara Ports Authority and governed by a board of directors that may include representatives from the Pilbara Development Commission, DevelopmentWA, and the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage. The Port Hedland Voluntary Buy-Back Scheme is expected to be open until 31 December 2023.
The Maritime Precinct Masterplan is based on a kit-of-parts concept which will enable the Hedland Maritime Initiative to fit in iconic developments within the Maritime Precinct.
Does the Maritime Precinct development rely on the PHVBS?
The Hedland Maritime Initiative has the ability to access other land necessary to facilitate the development of Maritime Precinct, which means that the development is only partly reliant on participation in the Port Hedland Voluntary Buy-Back Scheme.
Why do we need a Maritime Precinct development?
The Port Hedland community can start getting excited for some iconic developments that will activate the Maritime Precinct into a vibrant area that provides for commercial, leisure, tourist, cultural, training, educational and other land uses.