Hedland Economic Resources Forum wrap up

4 June 2021

The HMI team were exhibitors at the 2021 Hedland Economic and Resources Forum. More than 170 delegates were in attendance to hear from the 20 presenters on an information-packed day.

The Forum brought together leading industry experts, government representatives, and key economic commentators to share their insights.

The Hedland Maritime Initiative and the Maritime Precinct were referenced by multiple keynote speakers in their presentations focused on unlocking Port Hedland’s potential and the next decade of growth in Port Hedland. HMI’s Managing Director Karlene Bylund and Stakeholder Engagement & Communications Advisor Victoria Shorter provided booth visitors with information about HMI and the Maritime Precinct updates.

Along with the insightful presentations by Government, Industry and other sectors were  thought-provoking speakers;

  • Rachel Grace Corporate Mindfulness & Emotional Intelligence taking attendees through a 10-minute Mindfulness practice to reset guests for the second half of the day
  • Gihan Perera, a futurist and author gave us a glimpse into what’s ahead in a fast-changing world.

Find out more about the Maritime Precinct and Port Hedland Voluntary Buy-Back Scheme